Confidence in Your Financial Life


Freedom to Pursue What’s Important

At Vector, we understand that you don’t want to feel overwhelmed by complex retirement planning, which is why we have simplified the process for our clients, who have in turn, entrusted us with managing over a billion dollars of their assets.

When it comes to money during your retirement we know that you want to have confidence and clarity. In order to do that, you need a simple retirement income plan. The problem is there’s too much to consider which can leave you feeling exhausted and uncertain about your future.

Don’t settle for a wealth plan that you don’t understand. Instead have the confidence to pursue your passions with a Vector retirement income plan—centered around you.



Minneapolis based financial advisors serving over 900 clients

Over $1.45 Billion in managed client assets

25 years of stewardship as Vector Wealth Management

We’re a fee-based fiduciary.



Retirement planning has gotten complex. We know that making complex financial decisions can feel overwhelming which is why we have simplified the process for our clients.

At Vector, we believe that people deserve a retirement income plan they can understand.


“Each client relationship begins with listening and developing a SOJOURN™ wealth plan. This plan serves as the client’s financial foundation for refined decision making.” - Thomas Fee, Managing Director


Vector Wealth Management
Path to Confidence



Your goals and unique situation—what’s important to you.

Your Plan

Together we’ll prepare and demonstrate a complementary wealth management plan.


The foundation for confidence in your financial life.



Wealth Management Services

A goals-based planning approach helps us to guide our clients through complicated life events and major financial decisions.


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